Tales Of Shaundra, Book One is an erotic tale by an artist/writer named Philo, published in 1995 by Rip Off Press. I thought at first there never any later books. But it looks like I was wrong: there were later stories about “Demi & Shaundra” and “Shaundra: Slave to Pleasure” that continued her (hard-core) adventures. Shaundra is a pretty feisty and indomitable warrior lady, with a sidekick/lover named Max. She takes crap from no-one. That includes a wizard she bumps into one day, who takes exception to her attitude and inflicts her with a curse. That curse is to have a man-size penis growing out of her lady parts. The rest of the book is about her quest to find the wizard and persuade him to reverse the spell. Along the way, she meets up with women (and men) who are quite bemused by her unusual endowments, and manage to exercise them in various quite explicit ways. Plus of course she learns to appreciate being able to pee standing up... But she does finally get to the end of he...